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Our children’s consignment sale is an organized and advertised bi-annual sale, in order to sell gently used children’s items: including clothing from newborn to teen, maternity clothing, toys, baby equipment, books, videos, outdoor play equipment, etc.  We have around 250 families that participate.  Everyone tags their items differently.  Item prices are NON-negotiable. The seller receives 60% of the proceeds and can receive up to 75% based on the number of shifts volunteering.

What Do You Get For 40%?

WHO CAN PARTICIPATE?  Anyone who has 20 or more items to sell can participate. A percentage of the sales will be deducted from your total sales. You can register on-line.

WHEN IS IT?  Kidsignments will be held twice a year, once in the spring and once in the fall. They are from 8:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. on a Friday and Saturday. See the dates page for the next sale.


1.  Visit New Consignor Registration and complete the short process. Remember your consignor number and password!

2.  Read about Electronic Tagging.

3.  Read the How To page.

4.  Review our Pricing Suggestions and Guidelines

5.  Go to Item Entry and Tag Printing, use your consignor number and password to log in, and start creating tags!!

6.  Pick a time to drop off your items: Drop Off Times Signup

7.  Sign up to volunteer to earn earn a higher percentage from your total sales.  Learn more about volunteering.

8.  Check out consignor reports at the end of sale day to see a list of your sold items and estimated earnings.

9. Pick up your check and unsold items Sunday afternoon of sale week between 2:00 p.m. – 4:00 p.m. All items must be picked up by 5:00 p.m. No Exceptions.


  • De-cluttering – gets all those outgrown toys and clothes out of your closets, benefits you and others by “passing it on.”
  • Income – buyers will come specifically looking for children’s items so they are more likely to purchase than at a rummage sale. Quality items get quality prices.
  • Pre-shopping hours for volunteers. See the Volunteers page for more information.
  • You don’t have to sit in your garage for 2 days while you make money.
  • You don’t have to set up or tear down.
  • EVERY buyer coming to this sale is looking for children’s merchandise, so you will have better odds of selling items.
  • Paid advertising.
  • Better quality clothes than a rummage sale.
  • 2 pre-sale passes.


  • We are a seasonal sale.  Check our detailed page to see what items are accepted.
  • Car seats need to be within 5 years old and consignor will be required to fill out a form stating the car seat has not been in an accident.
  • Recalled items cannot be sold.