We no longer accept:
- Adult books (Parenting books are okay)
- Adult Jewelry
- Fashion Scarfs (Winter scarfs are okay)
- Women’s Plus size clothing (anything above size XL and pants size 12)
Spring Sale: Easter, 4th of July, Playwear, Swimwear, Raingear, School Uniforms, Dress Clothes, Sportswear, Sleepwear, Athletic pants, Lightweight Long-sleeve shirts, Jackets, Thin weighted materials.
* No Halloween (Dress up is fine), NO Christmas, Snow gear, Thermals, Flannels, Sweaters, Corduroy, Turtle necks, Winter coats, Thermal pants, boots, winter themed clothing. Infant room: 0-24 months – NO LONG SLEEVE(Hoodies and jackets are okay) or JEANS Juniors: No Long Sleeve (Hoodies and spring jackets will be okay) Jeans, Bras, (Sports Bras are OKAY)
Fall Sale: Halloween, Thanksgiving, Christmas, Valentines, St. Patrick’s Day, Dress clothes, Sportswear, Sleepwear Coats, Jackets, (gloves, mittens, scarves, snow gear), Sweaters, sweatshirts, Jeans, long sleeve shirts (Fleece, thermal, wool, etc.) Short sleeve shirts and athletic shorts will still be accepted.
*No Easter, 4th of July, tank tops, swim suits, sun dresses, capri pants, shorts (Athletic shorts are accepted), NO sandals, Summer themed clothing Infant room: 0-24months – No short sleeve/summer outfits, No short Sleeve onsies, no shorts Juniors: No Short Sleeve, shorts, capri pants.
Check season above for accepted season
Clothing: We will not accept clothing that is stained, torn, pilled, faded, has holes, missing buttons or snaps, broken zippers, upleasant odors, animal hair or other debris. Clothing tags need to be attached with a safety pin on the right corner of the clothing item. See “How To” for hanger instructions. Be conscious when pinning tag. Try for the tag, or seam. Item’s pinned or tagged in the middle of the material will leave a hole and could be damaged depending on the material. Use a pants hanger or pins when hanging pants.
- clothing that is older than 5 years or out of style. Our Shoppers are looking for brand name items current items
- Souvenir shirts
- Clothing with Inappropriate messages or photos
- Separate pj tops or bottoms. 2 piece pj sets need to be sold in a set.
- Single plain onsies (Onsie need to be in an outfit or grouped together with 2 or more).
Children’s sizes: Some popular teen brands make sizes small enough to be considered children’s sizes 10-20. Examples include xxs, xs, small in Abercrombie, Aero, American Eagle & Hollister. If you bring these items, please put the size equilavent on the tag. All children’s clothing must be tagged with a numbered size, NOT S, M, L.
Juniors sizes: We will have a separate area for junior clothing. These clothes items need to specify “Juniors Item” on the tag and then be labeled XS, S, M, L, XL. We will also have a pant section available to junior boys labeled 26,28,30,32,34,36. We are going to be very picky on our juniors section. Please only bring items that a junior would wear.
Shoes: Infant and Toddler size Newborn to 13, Kids/adult shoes size 1-12, Shoes must be clean, on the top, inside and bottom. Only adult athletic and sandals will be accepted. Tie together with a ziptie, rubberband or place in a ziplock bag (Do not tape together). Shoes include athletic, dress, swim, cleats, dance, everyday, slippers, rain boots, etc.
Sports Attire (Great sellers!!): Baseball pants, jerseys, leotards, cleats.
Maternity Clothing: No older than 5 years and in excellent condition.
Adult Purses/Backpacks: We accept adult purses.
Accessories: Purses, Sunglasses, JewelrySocks, underwear, belts, tights, ties, hair bows, etc. should be placed in a sealed plastic bag. Tag should be attached with clear tape on the outside of the bag. Socks must be sold in sets of 3 or more.
Baby: Bibs, Breast Pumps need to make sure the pump has all the pieces and in excellent condition, Blankets, hooded towels, crib sheets/linens etc. should be taped together with masking tape, rubberbands or in a clear bag. Infant shoes NB, 1, 2, Diapers, cloth diapers and potty chairs need to be in excellent shape, swaddlers, carriers, boppies, diaper bags, bottles need to have all parts together in a ziplock bag, socks need to be in sets of 3 or more, bumbo chairs need a seat belt or information sheet attached from Kidsignments, infant toys, etc. All infant clothing items must be hung.
Books: Books must be clean and in excellent condition. No tears or pages missing. When tagging use masking tape or scotch tape. (Do not use packing tape as it damages the items when removed). Place the tag on the top right corner of the item. Multiple items may be placed in a bag or rubber banded together. Books are one of our best sellers.
Games: Check to make sure the game has all the pieces and the box is in good condition.
Puzzles: Puzzles must have the correct number of pieces. Board puzzles should have all the pieces secured to the puzzle with plastic wrap.
Video Games and Electronic equipment: must be up-to-date and in working condition. Game Cube, PS2, PS3, PS4, XBOX, XBOX1, Wii, handheld games, TV plug-ins, Etc. If the cost of an items is above $20 check with owners before setting out. No Mature rated video games.
DVD’s must be a G, PG, or PG13 rating. NO R rated movies
DÉCOR: Kids/Junior themed decorations
Kitchenware: Lunch boxes, dishes, utensils, sippy cups
Big Toys: Playhouses, slides, wagons, bikes, scooters, kitchen sets, ride-on toys etc.
Infant Gear: Cribs (No drop down cribs accepted), Car Seats (Less than 5 years old and never have been in an accident or fender bender, must fill out Kidsignments approval sheet), Pack-n-Play (Needs to be set up), Strollers, walkers, bouncers, toddler beds, high chairs, swings, bassinets, gliders etc.
Recalled Items
With laws constantly changing in regards to children’s products/clothing we must follow closely the guidelines for reselling gently loved children’s items. Please check the CPSC recall information to be sure your clothing/toys/equipment are not listed. By signing our consignment agreement you are confirming that you have checked your items & are not selling any recalled items.
Click Here to link to recall list: http://cpsc.gov/cpscpub/prerel/prerel.html
Click Here to link to lead law info: http://cpsc.gov/cpscpub/prerel/prhtml09/09086.html