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Busy Mom Tagging Contract

This contract is between _____­­­­­­­____________________ and Kidsignments, LLC.

  1. Consignor must consign at least 20 items to be eligible for Express Tagging.
  2. All items must be clean and free of stains, rips and smells.  All toys must be in working order with batteries and all pieces.  All items must be for the appropriate season.  See guidelines on website if needed. Deliver in boxes with name.
  3. Express Tagger will provide enough hangers for the clothing.  If you don’t have hangers, they can be purchased through Kidsignments at a cost of .05 cents per hanger.  The amount will be deducted from your check at the end of the sale.  The first 25 hangers are free.
  4. Busy Mom Consignors make 40% of their sales.  There is a $15.00 fee that covers all tagging supplies (zip ties, bags, safety pins, paper, ink cartridges, etc). The fee also covers our cost to store and deliver your items as well as put them away at our sale. The fee covers the first 100 items and will increase by $10 for each additional 100 items.
  5. By signing this agreement you are giving Kidsignments, LLC the right to price your items as they see fit.  Please only send acceptable items.  Items not acceptable for the sale because of rips, stains, quality will be donated.
  6. All items will be marked 1/2 off for our Saturday sale.  Some of the tagged items may not sell.  These items will be stored and kept for up to 3 future sales and then donated.
  7. You will receive a pass for yourself to shop the Wednesday pre-sale.  You will receive passes to our Thursday sale for your friends.  You have the option to volunteer to receive a higher percentage and earlier shopping time.
  8. I have read the above contract.  By signing this contract, I fully agree to the terms and conditions.  All information will be kept confidential.

Consignor email:________________________________________________        (Checks will be sent to your email address)

Consignor Login number:____________    Password:___________________

Phone #_______________

Hangers provided: Yes/No.

# of hangers purchased from Kidsignments: __________ (read below)
(We will fill this in after all your items are in the system)

Consignor signature:_________________________________________