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Fall 2017 Mission Focus

   As my life gets busy preparing for our Fall Kidsignments Sale, I’m often reminded of the blessing children truly are. Just think of all the clothing that will be hanging on the racks at the next sale; they will have been worn by a child and will then be passed on for other children to wear. I love it! God has given me 13 blessings that I call my “grandchildren.” My oldest grandson, Luke, has outgrown most of what Kidsignments has to offer as he is in his junior year at Wabash College. I could go on and on about Luke and his serving heart. Kidsignments mission statement is James 1:27 along with being the hands and feet of Jesus. Each sale, we choose a mission focus to bring awareness to and support financially. Imagine my joy when my grandson Luke asked me if Kidsignments would be willing to partner with Wabash College in raising funds for the kids at Riley Hospital for Children.

Luke says that it is an honor and a privilege to be put in the position of raising hope and medical care for children. You see, Luke has personally witnessed the miracles that God works through Riley’s staff. His younger brother and sister, Gabe and Olivia, are Riley Kids. During our conversation it occurred to me that not only Gabe and Olivia but a total of 6 of my 13 grandchildren are Riley Kids. That is why I am so excited to announce that our mission focus for this sale will be Riley Hospital for Children. I know that within our group of Consignors, Vendors, Volunteers, and Shoppers, there are parents and grandparents who have blessings that they can call “Riley Kids.” I was just thinking of my 6 Riley grandkids: which one of them are the greatest miracle? Is there really such a thing as one miracle that is greater than the other? I believe that all children are a miracle and a blessing! I look forward to working with my children, grandchildren, friends and even other Riley Kids to raise support for this awesome cause.


   Kidsignments will also be focusing on Operation Christmas Child through Samaritan’s Purse. We will have shoe boxes available and will be filling some throughout the sale.

See you soon!

Kim McAbee