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How To

How do I get ready for Kidsignments?

  1. Go through closets, under the bed, toy boxes and bookshelves. Gather items that the kids no longer enjoy, don’t play with, can’t wear or don’t want to wear. Don’t forget bath toys, bottles, cups, character dishes, kids linens, bikes, skates, pool items, riding toys, books, DVD’s…..Anything kid related.
  2. Clothes must be hung on hangers with the item facing you and the hanger in the shape of a question mark (?). Clothes that are in danger of falling off must be safety pinned securely. (No straight pins or tiny safety pins.)
  3. Infant items must be hung.  Try to make outfits or pin multiple onsies/pants together.  No plain, single, onsies. Toys must have all parts secured together. On large plastic items, use excessive clear packing tape.
  4. Check to make sure items are free from stains, rips or smells. Sunlight provides the best light to check for stains. Make sure all zippers, snaps, buttons, etc. work. Items sell better when they look better. Wrinkles don’t make clothes look good!
  5. Package your items. Secure all items together that are being sold together. If you package 3 books in a zip style bag to sell for one price, zip it and then tape it tightly. Masking and painters tape work best on books.  Make sure all games, toys or multi-piece items are complete. Incomplete sets cannot be sold or must be identified on the tag as a partial set and priced accordingly.
  6. Only Electronic tags are allowed. Please use WHITE PAPER at least 24 pounds. Use a laser or photo quality inkjet printer. Do NOT colored paper.  Managment uses colored paper for a donation cycle.
  7. Sort your clothing. First by gender and then by sizes before bringing them to drop off. You are in charge of putting away your items, pre-sorting at home will make your job easier.  
    1. Big Gym – Children 12 months-juniors
    2. Big Toy Room – Outdoor and big toys
    3. Infant Room – Newborn-9 months, maternity and all baby related
    4. Shoe Room
    5. Craft, books, DVDs, games, puzzles, decor, holiday” room
    6. Toy Room
    7. Halloween and Winter Coat room
  8. Car seats over 5 years, helmets over 5 years, drop-down side cribs, crib bumper pads, bumbo seats without seat belt and recalled items CANNOT be sold!
  9. Tell your friends and family. Your verbal recommendation is the best advertising possible. Referral Coupons will be given for each new consignor that you direct to our sale.  Don’t forget to shop. The more buyers we have, the more we sell!
  10. Pick up all unsold items and your check at the designated time after the sale.