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Missions Update – 2020

Kidsignments has always been more than a sale, but has a mission founded on James 1:27 (“ look after orphans and widows..”). Each sale, we have had at least one mission focus where we come along side and support another ministry or cause whether local or abroad.

It’s amazing how God has answered our prayers for direction as we have sought to honor Him by fulfilling the larger mission of caring for the orphan and widow. Over the years, we have been led to a number of needs and have given nearly $40,000 total! This is due largely from the support and faithfulness of our Kidsignments community consisting of consignors, shoppers, and volunteers. Thank you all for making this possible!

We wanted to share some recent updates from a couple of the missions that Kidsignments has been able to impact: The Fortress and Love Remedy Inc.

The Fortress

The Fortress is a safe, loving home for pregnant teens in Uganda. Josephine N. Nsubuga runs this home in Uganda. Kim, one of the owners of Kidsignments, has been to Uganda many times to help support, encourage, and love on these girls and to see the impact this organization has on their lives.

Kidsignments has been able to come alongside and help young mothers and babies. More recently, we were able to provide some funds to help purchase a van used to transport those being served by the ministry.

Here’s an update from Josephine…..

I remember vividly the day when Mama Kim and I held hands to pray about Kidsignments. Then it was a dream yet to manifest. She said this business was going to support worthy missions!! Well, the Fortress and many other charities have lived to see this dream come true!!

All the way from Uganda, at the Fortress: a transit home for abandoned pregnant teenagers, we have consistently receive generous donations from Kidsignments! Many lives of the young mothers and babies have been saved and transformed with your support!! Lately, we were able to acquire an emergency Van too!! Not only that, we have been able to reach community mothers giving them the very much needed counselling and Mama kits for safe baby delivery!! We have given away many Children’s and adult Bibles with the help of Kim, Hannah and Emily ; the heart of Kidsignments!!

What can I say!! Long live Kidsignments!! May the Lord continue to Prosper you! And yes to everyone who shops with Kidsignments, you are in a way supporting charity and expanding the Kingdom of God!! Keep shopping with Kidsignments!! Last but not least, to Emily, Kim, Hannah, your families and all who work tirelessly to make Kidsignments a reality, may the Lord reward you!! Get it from me and the Fortress changed lives that you are truly a big blessing!! Life changers through your generosity! God continue to sustain, favor and bless Kidsignments!!

Josephine Nsubuga
(Founder, The Fortress)

For more information, follow The Fortress on Facebook at

Love Remedy Inc.

Love Remedy, also based in Africa, inspires to promote healing and empowerment to people faced with adversity in their everyday life. Lynne Kiwanuka is Kim’s niece and Emily’s cousin. She leads the ministry and had started raising funds for two projects. One was for Flaviah, a mother with HIV who had 2 young boys and a baby girl . The baby girl, Maria, had Hydrocephlus and required surgery. After making a full recovery, the family relocated back to their village. Love Remedy set a goal to raise money to build Flaviah and her children a 2 bedroom home where she could live rent free.

Here’s an update from Lynne on Sept 9, 2020:

Yesterday was the ground breaking for the foundation for Flaviah’s home! Flaviah is watching off to the side as her dream of having a safe place to raise her children despite their families health challenges unfolds, what a beautiful dream come true for this family! Thank you to Kidsignments in Portland for making this home build a reality!

Lynne Kiwanuka
(CEO & Founder, Love Remedy Inc)
Flaviah and baby Maria

For more information, follow Love Remedy on Facebook at

In addition to helping missions in Uganda, Kidsignments has been able to support local causes through:

  • Supporting Embrace Grace of Lakeview Wesleyan Church in Grant County.
  • Offering local foster families $10 shopping coupons/foster child
  • Providing $25 gift cards to local school nurses to fill their closets with shoes and clothes for students.
  • Coming along side families in the community when faced with hardship.