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Our Mission

James 1:27 – Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this: to look after orphans and widows in their distress.  

Our passion has always been for missions and it always will be.  When we became the new owners of Kidsignments, we never dreamed of the amazing opportunity that was given to us.  Yes, Kidsignments is our assignment – it’s all about helping families buy nice children’s clothing at discounted prices, but we are beginning to see that something is happening that is greater than we ever imagined!

We are so excited about the Juan Pablo Heart and Attitude Scholarship for which Kidsignments is helping raise funds!  15% from the “Busy Mom Tagging” service is going toward the scholarship.  We have decided to sell prepackaged snacks and water at the sale with those profits going toward the scholarship as well!  Did you know that we have African family?  Josephine runs a home for abandoned pregnant teens in Uganda called “The Fortress.”  Why couldn’t we sell their handmade headbands with 100% of the proceeds going to support that home?   Kidsignments has always supported Hands of Hope.  Why not make a little display of the Hope bags to sell with all of the profits going to their mission?  Do you see where we are going with this?  What if we could set up small little sections for people to sell items with 100% of the profit go toward their mission?  We are so excited!  In addition to the missions I stated above, we now have hair bows that will help support a medical fund at an orphanage and help a family adopt their little girl from China.  There will be handmade baskets and banana fiber balls from Uganda that will support The Dove Project!

If you are as passionate about missions as we are or if you know of someone who is, please let us know!  Kidsignments is our assignment and that is to look after orphans and widows whether it be through second hand clothing and toys or helping with a need around the world.  We won’t have a lot of room, but we will make the room to support your mission too!  Send us an email if you have a mission!