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Spring 2015 Mission

Dear Friends,

We hope you are enjoying the sun that is shining once again.  With winter almost behind us, we are getting super excited about the next Kidsignments sale, which is April 24-25, 2015.  The purpose of this email is to share with you our mission for Kidsignments.  Our motto is “Kidsignments, It’s Our Assignment.”  We want to help hard working parents by providing for kids needs as they grow.  Kidsignments does just that.  We hope that we can work together with you, the consignor, to provide good, clean, used clothing, toys, and more for your children as well as the kids in and around your community.  We believe that we can use Kidsignments to help in even greater ways.

If you remember last sale, we had a focused mission.  That mission was to start a scholarship.  This has been something on our hearts for a few years now.  My daughter, Emily, and our whole family have so much appreciation for those who joined us in support of the adoption of Juan Pablo, Emily’s son and my grandson.  Never in my wildest dreams would I have guessed that I would be blessed with a grandson from Guatemala.  We have tried to imagine ways to say thank you and Kidsignments has made this dream come true!  Through our Busy Mom Tagging service, concessions and a few donations helped raise $1,500, enough to start the scholarship.  The name of the scholarship is The Juan Pablo Heart & Attitude Scholarship.  This scholarship will be given to a high school graduate who has shown a heart toward helping children in need, whether through serving locally or abroad.  The student who receives this scholarship will also be able to direct a monetary award to the charity or mission of their choice.  This scholarship also includes graduates who themselves have found a forever family through adoption.  We are just so excited!

We will continue to support the Juan Pablo Heart & Attitude Scholarship in various ways, but we have a new mission focus for the spring sale.  Let me tell you a little bit about it!  It is called The Dove Project Uganda.  This project focuses on equipping vulnerable children of Uganda with life skills, educational facilitation, character development, and spiritual guidance in Mbale, Uganda.  I’ve been there.  I have seen this need.  Once again, we will work hard through the Busy Mom Tagging service to give a percentage to this mission.  For this sale, Mt. Olive Preschool will be teaming with us by providing complimentary hot tea or coffee for moms and grandmas who are shopping the event.  They will bake Otis Spunkmeyer cookies in an approved kitchen and sell them for a $1.00 donation.  All donations will be given to the Dove Project.  Isn’t this exciting!

We will have a mission area again for this sale.  Last year there were hair bows to support an orphanage and an adoption, jewelry to support a home for abandoned pregnant teens, and pink bags to support Hands of Hope.  We were able to donate toys to Salvation Army, clothes to the St. Martin Community Center, and some of your donated clothing went to families with great need.  If you know of someone who might be interested in setting up a booth to sell items for their mission, please let us know.  I keep telling Emily that we are going to run out of room, but she assures me that there is always room for missions.

Thanks so much for all of your help!  Have fun marking and we will see you soon!

Kim, Emily, & Hannah

James 1:27…religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this; to look after orphans and widows in their distress and to keep oneself from being polluted by the world.