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Vendor Agreement

Agreement made between Kidsignments, LLC, and _________________(“Vendor”). Company conducts a consignment business which is selling children’s items at a semi-annual sale at Harts Celebration Center, Marion, IN., on Saturday during our Spring/Fall Kidsignments sale from 8 a.m. – 6 p.m.  Cost is $30.


a. The payment of the fee described below is non-refundable and covers payment for use of a space at the sale, Presale pass for Wednesday @ 6:00 and Friday @ 6:00 for 1/2 price sale.
b. Vendor printed materials or promotional items are subject to the approval of Company.
c. Vendor materials will be removed from Company by Saturday evening of the Kidsignment sale.
d. Vendor agrees to market the Event.
e. Vendor agrees to provide all tables, decorative and demonstration items for their own use. (We have chairs)
g. The Vendor agrees to sell items with the same spirit as Company: no hard sales, yelling or trying to attract attention from other vendors or Event, etc. The spirit of cooperation and friendliness will be supported.
h. Vendor agrees to be present at the entirety of the sale during sale days. We are flexible, just communicate with us.
i. Vendor set up Friday of the sale @ 5:00.

2. Company agrees that only one person/vendor per direct sales company will be accepted.  Multiple people can man the same booth
3. Company reserves the right to remove the Vendor from Event or website if it deems anything regarding the Vendor’s business or on the Vendor’s website to be unethical, unlawful, or immoral.
4. The Vendor agrees to hold harmless and make no claim against Company, the owners of Company, any volunteer or paid employee of Company, the insurer of Company, or any other vendor leasing space at the Event for damage, theft or loss of any items belonging to the Vendor. The Vendor is fully responsible for their product and equipment while on Event premises.
5. LIABILITY Consignee agrees to waive any and all claims for personal injury that result from participation in Company, regardless of whether injury is foreseen or unforeseen. No claim will be brought against Company, and its owners, volunteers, paid participants, insurer or the lessors of the space where the event and expo are being held.
6. COST OF LEGAL ACTION In the event any action is brought to enforce this Agreement, Company shall be entitled to recover its cost of enforcement and/or defense including, without limitation, attorney fees and court costs.

I agree to abide by this Agreement:

(signature)                                                                            Date                                  Saturday only ($50.00)                                  

Mail aggreement and check to: Kidsignments, 509 N. Pleasant, Portland, IN 47371.

Name (printed)                                                                                                               


Name of Business                                                           

Type of Business (bows, cooking supplies, etc.)